Dec 1, 2020 | LATEST NEWS

The Wood County Sheriff’s Office is thrilled to push out our newest release of our information sharing resource for the public, called PoliceToCitizen or “P2C”.  This web-based portal will provide you access and some searching capabilities for Sheriff’s Office activities.  This portal is an upgraded service tied to our law enforcement CAD and records system.

One thing to remember is that the information we are sharing is unique to our participating agencies.  Not all Incidents that occur within the jurisdiction of the Wood County Sheriff’s Office are shared on our “portal”.  Incidents that occur in municipalities not under our jurisdiction may not be available to you through our “portal”.

The updated link to the Wood County Sheriff’s Office PoliceToCitizen Portal.  If you have the older link “bookmarked”, it may no longer function.

It is important to know that only incidents that have been responded to, investigated, report written and then approved by a supervisor are displayed on the PoliceToCitizen website.  Until a supervisor has reviewed the report, it cannot be posted.  This is done in an effort to ensure you have the most up to date, accurate information available.

The upgraded site offers the ability to report minor incidents, request a security watch, view the inmate roster for our jail and view maps of incidents throughout the county.

“Daily Bulletin” function:

  • Reports still must go through approval and record review process before the system makes them accessible in the portal.  Therefore, if you select to view items from today’s date, you will likely not see much available.  You will see much more when searching 2-3+ days in the past.
  • The records include Wood County Sheriff reports.

Photos of current jail inmates are available in “Inmate Inquiry” function.

  • By noting the arrestee name, you may then search the “Inmate Inquiry” function by name to view a booking photo. (If the arrestee was released by the time of your search, you will not get a result.)

Additional points regarding the “Event Search” function:

  • Although Incident report entries display a link to get a “Report”, this feature is turned off, and users cannot view the full reports directly at this site.  All reports must still go through the normal open records request process before being released.  Please contact Records directly to request a report.

“Report Incident” function:

  • This application is provided to enable citizens to easily report non-emergency incidents. This method should not be used if anyone was injured as a result of the Incident, or if an officer should be dispatched to the crime location.  Currently report Lost Property, Theft, Theft from Vehicle, Vandalism, Vandalism to a Vehicle.

Again, this is the updated link to the Wood County Sheriff’s Office PoliceToCitizen Portal.  If you have the older link “bookmarked”, it may no longer function.

For further information or questions on PoliceToCitizen, contact the Director of Communications at


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